Adult Faith Formation

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     Our Purpose:

The Adult Faith Enrichment Committee develops and maintains a vision for adult faith formation in keeping with the guidelines of the diocese, the National Directory for Catechesis, and the pastoral letters of the National Council of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), "Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us" (1999) and "Disciples Called to Witness" (2013).



  • Educate the parish community as to the priority placed on adult formation by the NCCB.

  • Identify the formational needs of the adults in our parish community, develop an Adult Formation Plan to respond to those needs, and assign responsibility for specific responses to adult faith leaders and catechists.

  • Respond to formational needs through a combination of Bible study, retreats, book discussions, prayer breakfasts, dinners, guest speakers, and an annual parish mission.

  • Research and develop a plan, in conjunction with the Formation Commission of the pastoral council, to promote intergenerational faith formation.

  • Consider the use of social media in adult faith formation.

  • Initiate and promote the harmonious coordination of the efforts of the Adult Faith Enrichment Committee with other parish ministries and organizations, particularly the pastoral council’s Christ Renews His Parish program.

  • Encourage and facilitate coordination of efforts with similar ministries in other Catholic parishes.

  • Establish and maintain liaison with the diocesan Religious Education Office.

  • Promote diocesan-wide adult faith formation endeavors.

  • Compile and submit to the Finance Committee a budget proposal that adequately provides for the adult faith formation needs of the parish.


For more information, contact the Adult Faith Coordinator,
Anne Hohbein: or 708-544-7928.